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嘉实多润滑油系列 > CASTROL嘉实多食品级润滑油脂 > Castrol Optimol?Paste White T
Castrol Optimol?Paste White T 详细说明 (浏览1409次)


Product Data
Castrol Optimol?Paste White T
Castrol Optimol Paste White T - white paste for clean assembly work, prevents fretting corrosion (false brinelling). Tight fitting components may be disassembled without any difficulties even after many years of operation.
Castrol Optimol Paste White T is excellently suited for all assembly work and for base thin-film lubrication in all engineering areas.
Castrol Optimol Paste White T is also available as a spray.
.. inhibits fretting corrosion and false brinelling
.. clean handling
.. facilitates assembly and disassembly
.. good separating effect for all types of contact
.. resistant to cold and hot water
.. excellent rust protection even in salt water
.. white, almost colorless in thin layers
.. easy application (spray-without CFC)
.. temperature application range: -30癈/-22癋 to +250癈/+482F
.. USDA-H2 approval
.. Assembly paste with universal application range due to its clean handling and long-term separating and lubricating effect. Superior to black assembly lubricants in performance tests for a variety of applications.
.. Prevents fretting corrosion on bearing seals, spline shafts, torque loaded connections.
.. Castrol Optimol Paste White T is a reliable solution for machines exposed to frictional vibrations.
.. Tight-fitting components subjected to vibrations.
.. Excellent results as these connections are extremely vulnerable to fretting corrosion.
.. Avoidance of squeaking noises
.. Successful lubrication of hydraulic cylinders
.. Good separation when used on gaskets or seals on flange connections.

上一产品: castrol Paste WHS LN 776
下一产品: CASTROL Optimol Paste TA
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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏