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嘉实多润滑油系列 > CASTROL嘉实多食品级润滑油脂 > CASTROL Optimol Paste TA
CASTROL Optimol Paste TA 详细说明 (浏览1431次)

CASTROL Optimol Paste TA
Ensures Good Separating and Sealing Effect in High Temperature & Wet Environments
.. Economical in use.
.. Good corrosion protection
.. Good separation ability.
.. For assembly of components subjected to corrosion, extreme temperatures
and unfavourable environments such as:
.. Screws, bushes and valves.
.. Flanged joints and threaded tube connections.
.. Positive locking components.
.. Seals, stuffing boxes and packings.
.. Light metal/steel friction surfaces.
.. As basic or thin film lubrication for sliding surfaces under high thermal loads.
.. Suited for application in the food and beverage industries.
.. Clean surfaces before application.
.. Apply even layer of PASTE TA with a brush or a lint-free or leather
Product Data
Optimol Paste TA is for screw connections up to +1100oC/ +
2012oF. It is used as assembly paste and prevents seizing, welding
or scaling.
Optimol Paste TA ensures a good separating and sealing effect in
high temperature and wet environments as well as under the
influence of aggressive media.
.. Optimol Optitec. technology.
.. High load-bearing capacity.
.. Resistant to hot and cold water.
.. Immediate lubricating affect.
.. Paste TA is also available as spray, without CFC, for easy
.. USDA H2 & AQIS approved.
.. Temperature application range: -40oC/-40oF to + 1100oC/+ 2012oF.
Steam Valves
.. Shake spray well before use. Hold spray can about 20cm (6-8 inches) from lubrication point
to apply thin and even layer. Lubricate screws down to the root of the thread.
.. For paste specific applications – cannot replace oil or grease lubrication.
.. In spray cans: PASTE TA SPRAY (article no.08446)
Typical Data
PASTE TA - - -
Article No - 08452 -
Colour - Silver-metallic visual
Base - Inorganic thickener/thermally
stable solid lubricants
NLGI consistency - 1 DIN 51818
Worked penetration Pw60 0.1mm 325 DIN ISO 2176
Density at +20oC/+68oF g/cm3 1.340 DIN 51757
Water resistance at
Flow pressure at 0oC/+32oF Mbar 66 DIN 51805
These technical data are based on average test results. Minor deviations may occur
from case to case. Further product information is available on request.
Health, Safety and Environment
For further information please contact the Technical Advice Line 130

上一产品: castrol Paste WHS LN 776
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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏