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嘉实多润滑油系列 > CASTROL嘉实多全合成切削液 > Castril SYNTILO CR 68合成切削液
Castril SYNTILO CR 68合成切削液 详细说明 (浏览1419次)
Castril SYNTILO CR 68
Synthetic Carbide Grinding fluid
Castrol SYNTILO CR 68 is a synthetic metalworking fluid formulated especially for the grinding of cemented
tungsten carbide. SYNTILO CR 68 is a water extendable lubricant that prevents the leaching of the potentially
allergenic metal, cobalt, while providing exceptional lubricity and long-term biological stability.
SYNTILO CR 68 improves the appearance and mechanical properties of the workpiece by reducing the amount
of cobalt dissolution from the binder matrix of cemented carbide. The cost of waste treatment is also greatly
reduced because heavy metals are not dissolved during the grinding process.
• Free from allergy and eczema tendencies
• Low consumption rate
• Reduced waste treatment costs
• Improved workpiece properties
• Economical to use
• Good foam control
• Low residues
Unit Test Method Value
Appearance of Concentrate Visual Hazy Yellow Fluid
pH of Emulsion @ 5% CN-TM-069 8.9 - 9.4
Specific Gravity @ 60°F/15.6°C ASTM D 1298 0.8905 - 0.8915
Bulk Density lbs/gal 8.79
Recommended Applications & Dilutions
SYNTILO CR 68 is intended for use at concentrations ranging from 2.5 - 4%, depending on the severity of the
Additional Information
Concentration Control
% Concentration Refractometer Reading
3.0 1.4
5.0 2.4
7.0 3.3
10.0 4.7
The refractometer concentration chart has been prepared in dilutions using deionized (DI) or distilled water.
Various refractometer and water types can have a significant effect on refractometer readings of coolant
samples. It may be necessary to prepare your own chart using plant water.
* Atago Model N1 Refractometers are distributed by Castrol Industrial Inc.
Castrol SYNTILO CR 68
08.22.2005, Version Number .0
SYNTILO CR 68 and the Castrol logo are trademarks of Castrol Limited.
All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate as of
the date of printing. However, such information may, nevertheless, be affected by changes in the blend formulation occurring subsequent to the
date of printing. Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all Castrol Ltd products. The MSDS must be consulted for appropriate information
regarding storage, safe handling and disposal of a product.
Castrol Industrial North America Inc. 150 West Warrenville Road, 605 3E Naperville, IL 6056
上一产品: Castrol Syntilo 3嘉实多Syntilo 3切削液
下一产品: castrol Syntilo 464合成切削液
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