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嘉实多润滑油系列 > CASTROL嘉实多油性切削液 > Castrol Ilocut® 5621油性切削液
Castrol Ilocut® 5621油性切削液 详细说明 (浏览1578次)

Castrol Ilocut® 5621
Heavy Duty Cutting Oil

Castrol Ilocut 5621 is a heavy duty cutting oil formulated for machining and grinding stainless steels, the difficult-to-machine high alloy steels and nickel, titanium and specialty high strength alloys. This heavy duty metalworking oil excels in extreme pressure lubricity contributing to excellent finishes, extended tool life and economical grinding ratios. Castrol Ilocut 5621 oil is nonstaining to copper, brass and aluminum alloys. In the proper viscosity ranges, Castrol Ilocut 5621 is suitable for use as a dual-purpose oil in applications that require a single oil to serve as both the cutting fluid and machine tool lubricant.
Performance Benefits
􀂃 Heavy duty for extended tool life, fine finishes.
􀂃 Extreme pressure performance reduces chip welding.
􀂃 Clean, clear oils for operator acceptance.
􀂃 Nonstaining to copper, brass, aluminum and ferrous alloys.
􀂃 Dual-purpose in the appropriate viscosity ranges.
􀂃 Economical, long lasting performance without additive depletion.
Typical Operations
Gear making
Castrol Ilocut 5621 is a dual-purpose fluid that can also be used as a hydraulic lubricant.
Metal Safety
Consult your Castrol Sales Engineer for questions regarding compatibility.
Castrol Industrial Americas
150 W. Warrenville Road
Naperville, IL 60563
Tel (877) 641 1600
Fax (877) 648 9801
Castrol Ilocut 5621 – 23-Apr-04
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Castrol Industrial Americas
150 W. Warrenville Road
Naperville, IL 60563
Tel (877) 641 1600
Fax (877) 648 9801
Castrol Ilocut 5621 – 23-Apr-04
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Product Data
Typical Characteristics
Appearance: Yellow fluid
Specific Gravity @ 60" F (16° C): 0.98
Viscosity, SUS @ 100" F (38° C): 140
Viscosity, cSt @ 40° C (104° F): 28.4
Flash Point, COC: 137. 76 °C (279.97° F)
Bulk Density: 8.2
Copper Corrosion ASTM 130: 1b
Chlorine: Yes
Fat: Yes
Sulfur: No
Active Sulfur: No
All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate
as of the date of printing. However, such information may, nevertheless, be affected by changes in the
blend formulation occurring subsequent to the date of printing. Material Safety Data Sheets are available

上一产品: CASTROL Honilo 480嘉实多Honilo 480切削液
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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏