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嘉实多润滑油系列 > CASTROL嘉实多食品级润滑油脂 > Castrol Optitemp RB 1嘉实多RB1凡士林润滑脂
Castrol Optitemp RB 1嘉实多RB1凡士林润滑脂 详细说明 (浏览1363次)
Technical data
Unit Value Test Method
Optitemp RB 1 - - -
article no. - 08020 -
Colour - light-beige visual
Base - lithium -
Consistency/NLGI grade - 2 DIN 51818
Worked penetration Pw 60 0.1 mm 296 DIN ISO 2137
Dropping point 'C/ 'F 192'C/377.6'F DIN ISO 2176
Water resistance at +50'C - 0 DIN 5180 T. 1
Corrosion protection (SKF
- 0 - 0 DIN 51802
Copper corrosion at
+100'C / +212'F
- 0 DIN 51811
Oil separation 168h /
% 3.7 DIN 51817
Technical data based upon average test results, minor deviations may occur from batch
to batch.
Health and Safety information sheets are available for all Castrol products from the address below:
Castrol (U.K.) Limited, Pipers Way, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1RE, England, Telephone:
Orders/Enquiries (08459)645111, Technical Enquiries (01793)452111, Fax (01793)486083
All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate as at the date of printing. It should be noted
上一产品: castrol Paste WHS LN 776
下一产品: Castrol Molub-Alloy® 659合成润滑脂
版权所有:深圳市汇通行润滑油有限公司 网站备案:粤ICP备16124526号 网址:www.hthrhy.com 邮箱:hthrhy@126.com
电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏