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嘉实多润滑油系列 > CASTROL嘉实多全合成切削液 > Castrol Molub-Alloy 777 ES /嘉实多锂基润滑脂777 ES
Castrol Molub-Alloy 777 ES /嘉实多锂基润滑脂777 ES 详细说明 (浏览1501次)
嘉实多锂基润滑脂 777 ES

Castrol Molub-Alloy. 777 ES  Greases

 Castrol Molub-Alloy 777-1 ES and 777-2 ES Greases were designed for very
heavy duty service in adverse environments. They are blended and
compounded to withstand the shock and heavy loading commonly found in the
processing of steel and other primary metals. They further offer durable
resistance to the severe environments of the construction, mining, and forest
products industries.

Castrol Molub-Alloy 777 ES Greases are multipurpose in that they operate
effectively in plain bearings, journals, and in antifriction bearings other than
precision and high speed. They exhibit excellent adhesive and cohesive
characteristics and, yet, are highly resistant to mechanical shearing.

Castrol Molub-Alloy 777 ES Greases are part of Castrol Performance
Lubricants’ Eco-SolutionsTM product offering. Formulated to address
environmental concerns, they are free of lead, chlorinated solvents, barium,
antimony and zinc.


Castrol Molub-Alloy 777 ES Greases are made using a blend of high quality
petroleum oils and polymers that produce a tough lubricating film capable of
withstanding shock and vibration. This blend, together with a shear stable
thickening system, provide a uniquely effective seal against loss of grease or
contamination from the atmosphere, even where mechanical seals may be

Castrol Molub-Alloy 777 ES Greases contain a proprietary blend of metallic
lubricant solids of a grade and size distribution best suited to the rugged mill
service for which these products were intended. The solids are treated to
increase their natural positive affinity to metal surfaces and are thoroughly
dispersed to assure effectiveness during the lubricants' full working life.

Rust and oxidation inhibiting characteristics are maximized to afford effective
rust protection and long life of the grease.

 Castrol Molub-Alloy 777-1 ES and 777-2 ES Greases meet NLGI Consistency
Grades No. 1 and No. 2 respectively.


Typical applications are in ball and roller bearings, bushings, slides, screws,
and general lubrication, even where loads may be quite heavy and speeds

 Industries most commonly requiring the heavy duty, all weather capabilities of
Castrol Molub-Alloy 777 ES Greases include steel, mining, logging, chemical,
and construction.

 In transportation and materials handling equipment, applications include king
pins, sleeve bearings, U-joints (other than high speed, precision), chassis, and


Compounded to give optimum protection and long life to seals, as well as
forming a protective barrier in damaged seals.

 Reduced friction, attributable to the Castrol Molub-Alloy solid lubricants, is most
evident under boundary conditions. This benefit is most pronounced where
frequent start-up, slow speeds, or high and unexpected loads are encountered.

 Realistic energy savings are possible through a reduction in peak power
demand during cold start-up. Overall savings are derived from the above and
result from less labor and downtime, smoother, more efficient operation with
longer parts life, and extended lubrication cycles.


Castrol Molub-Alloy 777 ES Greases are not compatible with sodium or
inorganic base greases.

Lubrication intervals should be increased gradually to ensure complete removal
of previous lubricant and the establishment of the surface layer of Castrol
Molub-Alloy solids.

 For specific terms, conditions, warranty, and availability, refer to Castrol
Performance Lubricants’ Price List in effect at time of purcha

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