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道达尔润滑油 > 道达尔(TOTAL)切削油 > TOTAL LUBRILAM C10道达尔轧制油
TOTAL LUBRILAM C10道达尔轧制油 详细说明 (浏览1478次)
Concentrate of performance additives for aluminium rolling oils.
 Concentrate of additives designed for the doping of the bases used in the rolling
of aluminium alloys.
 Lubrilam C 10 meets the requirements of the FDA CFR 178.3910.
 Light mineral base containing a high concentration of anti oxydant Butyl
hydroxide toluene type additives.
 Put in solution easy, rate of use recommended 2.5 %.
 Allows to increase the resistance in the oxidation of lamination oil.
 Higher quality of the finished product.
 Increase in the service life of the rolling oil.
Noted: the protection anti oxidizing brought by LUBRILAM C10 dependent on the formulation into which it is introduced, we
recommend to verify the level of antixoydante protection by preliminary tests for any industrial use.
Appearance visual - clear
Density at 15°C ISO 3675 kg/m3 838.6
Colour visual - 0/0,5
Viscosity at 40°C ISO 3104 mm2/s 2.74
PM flash point ISO2719 °C 134
The values o fthe characteristics listed in this table are typical values given as an indication.
上一产品: TOTAL LUBRILAM C3道达尔轧制油
下一产品: TOTAL LUBRILAM S40L道达尔轧制油
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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏