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嘉实多润滑油系列 > 耐高温润滑脂 > Castrol Longtime HS1.5 高速润滑脂
Castrol Longtime HS1.5 高速润滑脂 详细说明 (浏览1713次)


Longtime HS 1.5
High Speed Spindle Bearing Grease

Castrol Longtime™ HS 1.5 is a synthetic high performance grease based on novel thickener-technology. It has excellent
mechanical and shear stability and extraordinary resistance against water and humidity as well as metalworking fluid
Lubrication of extreme fast running roller and slide bearings (spindle-bearings).
For long-term and lifetime lubrication in high speed bearings even under difficult operating conditions.
For Bearing-lubrication even under strong influence of emulsions or water.
Temperature application range: - 40°C to + 120°C.
Excellent mechanical and shear stability.
Extraordinary resistance against water and metalworking fluid emulsions.
Decreased grease consumption and longer bearing lifetime.
Extraordinary corrosion-protection even under the influence of emulsions.
Extraordinary stable grease consistency even under the influence of emulsions.
Improved machine availability due to extended grease intervals and reduced downtime.
Very high wear protection.
Longtime HS 1.5
High Speed Spindle Bearing Grease
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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏