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嘉实多润滑油系列 > 耐高温润滑脂 > Castrol LongtimePD2/Castrol Longtime PD2长寿命润滑脂
Castrol LongtimePD2/Castrol Longtime PD2长寿命润滑脂 详细说明 (浏览1590次)

Castrol LongtimePD2/Castrol Longtime PD2长寿命润滑脂

Castrol Longtime PD1 
Castrol Longtime PD2
Castrol Longtime PD 1

Castrol Longtime PD 2



 - universCastrol  Optimol Longtime PD 0  PD 00 Pd 2 Pd1 润滑脂嘉实多润滑脂碧辟CastrolCastrol Longtime PDP D 0 0 P D 0 P D 1 P D 2 Castrol Longtime PD高性能轴承润滑脂

产 品 说 明
嘉 实 多 Longtime T M PD 系列是一种锂基润滑脂。本品配方基于高度精制的矿物油和
M i c r o f l u x T r a n s ( M F T ) 微流变添加剂。MFT 添加剂技术即使在极压、振动、冲击
载荷、低速或高速以及不同摩擦表面超滤波情况下, 也能提供极佳的抗磨特性和极低的
在 非 常载荷下,MFT 复合添加剂的组分会在润滑表面扩散开通过弹性变形促进摩擦特
MFT 形成的聚合物摩擦改进剂是一种有着优异润滑性和粘附性的长链混合物。一旦承
载表面被改善了, 更容易保持一种流体润滑膜。这种独特的物理- 化学反应能够达到摩
产 品 应 用
Longt i m e PD 能够用作长期或终生使用的润滑剂, 即使在最困难的操作环境下也可
以, 比如: 高负荷滚动和滑动轴承的极压、振动、冲击载荷以及操作温度变化幅度很大
本 系 列产品同样也适用于旋转和磨削加工中心的轴承润滑, 会遇到冲击载荷的齿轮, 比
本 系列产品还可以用在下列情况下, 比 如, 有旋转外圈的轴承、承受离心产生的高负
Longt i m e P D 0 a n d P D 0 0 可以作为半流质润滑脂用在齿轮上, 比如凸轮, 鼓型齿
 产 品 优 点
9 高 负荷下抗磨性, 在高负荷下延长操作周期, 提供了优越的抗磨保护
9 MFT 提供了优异的润滑性和表面光滑性减少了停机时间和检修工作
MFT 可以延长受损零件/ 轴承的使用寿命
9 MFT 会形成保护层, 此添加剂可以有效的改善承载区域, 因此可以降低压强, 操作
温度和磨损, 延长机件和润滑脂的使用寿命
9 MFT 的“ 渗入” 效力能够改善轴承表面, 延长使用寿命
9 超 低的摩擦系数, 能够减少能耗, 降低噪音
9 多 功能产品, 强力推荐在有润滑脂槽的抗磨轴承和漏式变速箱系统中使用
Longt i m e P D 0 和 P D 0 0
9 在 中央润滑系统中泵送性好, 在使用Longt i m e P D 0 a n d PD 0 0 时不会在齿轮
9 优 秀的防水性, 即 使 在有水以及有化学活性的热水存在的情况下保护膜也能保持效

使 用 建 议
为 了减小换用新润滑脂的不兼容性, 建议添加前尽可能的清除曾经用的脂。在应用初
期, 应当观测其再润滑间隔以确保曾经用的脂完全清除干净。 典 型 数 据
测试项目 测试方法 单位P D 0 0 P D 0 P D 1 P D 2
外观 - - 棕色 棕色 棕色 棕色
稠化剂类型 - - 锂 锂 锂 锂
基础油类型 - - 矿物油 矿物油 矿物油 矿物油
NLGI 级别 - - 00 0 1 2
密度@ 20℃/68℉ ASTM D1475 g/ml 0.910 0.890 0.890 0.890
60 次 @ 25℃/77℉
ISO 2137
0.1mm 400-430 355-385 310-340 265-295
100,000 次@
从6 0 次时改变
ISO 2137
0.1mm - - <20 <20
ISO 2176
ASTM D2265
℃/℉ - - 190/374 200/392
@40℃ / 1 0 4 ℉
ISO 3104
ASTM D 445
mm2/s 130 130 95 95
24 hr s , 1 0 0 ℃
/ 2 1 2 ℉
ISO 2160
ASTM D4048
等级1b 1b 1b 1b
SRV® 测试运行:
400N, 5 0 ℃ / 1 2 2 ℉
/ b a l l / d i s c / 2 h r
摩 擦 系 数
球/ 磨斑直径
ASTM D 5707
DIN 51834
流动压力- 35 ℃
/ - 3 1 ℉
DIN 5 1 8 0 5 hPa 500 1000 1100 1200
防水性, 9 0 ℃/
1 9 4 ℉ , 3 h
DIN 51807-1 等级- - 1 1
DIN 分类 DIN 51502 - KP 00 N-40 KP 0 N-40 KP 1 N-30 KP 2 N-30
ISO 分类 ISO 6743/9 - L-XDDHB-00 L-XDDHB-0 L-XCDHB-1 L-XCDHB-2
注 : 以 上 为典型数据, 不代表产品指标。 储存
雨水侵入和油桶上的标记被侵蚀。产品不应储存在超过6 0 ℃ 或严寒的环境
中, 也不应暴露在强光下。
潜在危险的提醒、适当的防灾和急救措施, 以及环境因素和废弃物的处理。
如 果 使 用 者 不 依 照 使 用 规 范 或 注 意 事项,甚至不用在所规定的用途上,英国
地的办事处或分公司联络, 我们将给您适当的建议。
围以及法律法规的允许范围内正确地评估和安全地使用产品。 在本资料中,没有陈述可被视为许可、建议或授权,如
商品买家的合法权利相抵触)al solid free extreme pressure greases for
long term lubrication with wide application range.
MICROFLUX TRANS® (TRANS = TRiple Action Non-sacrificial Surface
engineering) improves friction surfaces to an extent not possible with normal
machining processes and conventional EP lubricants. In a tribological system
the polarized MICROFLUX TRANS® additives instantaneously create a passive
film on friction surfaces before friction occurs. At a given load level, the
MICROFLUX TRANS additives release compounds forming a resistant
protective layer on friction surfaces.
Under severe load, components of the MICROFLUX TRANS additive
combination are activated and diffuse into the surfaces initiating an improvement
of their friction characteristics through plastic deformation. The organic reaction
products become a component of the tribopolymer system. Unlike the case with
conventional lubricants, the tribopolymers formed by MICROFLUX TRANS are
long-chained compounds with excellent lubricity and adhesion. The load
carrying area is improved, a hydrodynamic lubrication film is easier to maintain.
This unique physio-chemical reaction is CASTROL surface engineering and
achieves a non-sacrificial micro-smoothing of the friction surfaces.
The MICROFLUX TRANS additive technology provides optimum wear protection
and an extremely low coefficient of friction even under extremes of pressure,
vibration, shock loads, at high or low speeds or varying micro-smoothing of the
friction surfaces.
ƒ reduction of running-in period, suitable for lifetime lubrication
ƒ surface improvement to an extent not possible before
ƒ outstanding load carrying capacity
ƒ notably decreased coefficient of friction resulting in energy savings
ƒ optimum wear protection in high load range
ƒ smoothing of existing pitting on damaged components
ƒ reduction of noise levels
ƒ excellent rust protection, largely prevents fretting corrosion
ƒ compatible with all conventional sealing materials and nonferrous metals
ƒ easily pumpable in central lubrication systems
ƒ resistant to cold and hot water
Castrol Industrial Americas
150 W. Warrenville Road
 Naperville, IL 60563
 Tel (877) 641 1600
 Fax (877)648 9801
Castrol Longtime PD1 - PD2 – 13-Apr-04
Page 1 of 3Product Data
ƒ temperature range:
for LONGTIME PD 1:-35°C/-31°F to
for LONGTIME PD 2:-35°C/-31°F to
For a large field of applications and various difficult operating conditions,
i.e., extreme pressures, vibration, shock loads, wide temperature range and
components that are prone to fretting corrosion. For constant velocity (CV)
joints, ball joints, ball spindles.
For bearings with rotating outer ring and high stresses due to centrifugal load,
e.g. in spreader rolls, roll neck bearings in steel mills; for bearings with changing
rotational directions or slewing movements.
For long-term and lifetime lubrication of heavily loaded bearings in motor
vehicles, wheel hubs, shaker screens, wood and metal routers, machine tool
spindles, spinning spindles, disk drives, high speed looms, robots.
For high speeds up to Dn factors of 1,000,000.
Cost-benefit offered by MICROFLUX TRANS additive technology:
ƒ extended lifetime of machine elements and wear parts, lower maintenance
and labor costs by minimized wear and friction
ƒ full load operation within shortest time, virtually eliminating the running-in
ƒ lower costs for lubricants and waste oil disposal because of significant
extensions of both service life and relubrication intervals
ƒ energy savings due to reduced coefficient of friction, lower temperature of
lubricant and component, improvement in operating efficiency
ƒ product consolidation, i.e. simplification and reduction of lubes and spare
ƒ reduction of noise resulting from high frequency stick-slip
ƒ for "life" lubrication in some applications
Specifications of antifriction bearing manufacturers must be followed.Maximum
performance only if applied unmixed. CASTROL LONGTIME PD greases allow
production consolidation of previously used lubricating greases; their high
efficiency ensures economical use and hence a reduction of lubricant expenses.
Castrol Industrial Americas
150 W. Warrenville Road
 Naperville, IL 60563
 Tel (877) 641 1600
 Fax (877)648 9801
Castrol Longtime PD1 - PD2 – 13-Apr-04
Page 2 of 3Castrol Industrial Americas
150 W. Warrenville Road
 Naperville, IL 60563
 Tel (877) 641 1600
 Fax (877)648 9801
Castrol Longtime PD1 - PD2 – 13-Apr-04
Page 3 of 3
Product Data
Typical Characteristics
PD 1 PD 2
Consistency / LGI Grade 1 2
Color Brown Brown
Thickener Type Lithium Lithium
Specific gravity 0.900 0.886
Worked Penetration, ASTM D 217, mm/10
310-340 265-295
Prolonged worked penetration
Pw 100,000 - Pw 60, mm/10, pointschange < 12 < 17
Base Oil Viscosity, ASTM D 445
@ 40°C / 104°F, mm2
/s 93.9 94.9
Dropping Point, ASTM D 2265, °C/°F 180/356 180/356
Flow Pressure, DIN 51805, mbar:
@-35°C/-31°F <1220 <1580
Water Resistance, DIN 51807, T. 1
@ 90°C/194°F 1 1
SRV test run, test mode 5ae:
(300 N, 50°C/122°F, ball/area/2h)
Coefficient of friction 0.063 0.070
Wear, DIN E51834
a. Ball/scar Ø (mm) 0.55 0.55
 b. Profile depth Pt (µm) 1.0 1.0
Subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.

Castrol Longtime PD 1
High performance bearing grease
Castrol Longtime™ PD range are lithium based greases containing highly refined mineral oils and fortified with the
Microflux Trans (MFT) additive system. The MFT additive technology provides optimum wear protection and an
extremely low coefficient of friction even under extremes of pressure, vibration, shock loads, at high or low speeds
or varying micro-smoothing of the friction surfaces.
Under severe load, components of the MFT additive combination are activated and diffuse into the surfaces
initiating an improvement of their friction characteristics through plastic deformation. The organic reaction products
become a component of the tribopolymer system. Unlike the case with conventional lubricants, the tribopolymers
formed by MFT are long-chained compounds with excellent lubricity and adhesion. The load carrying area is
improved, a hydrodynamic lubrication film is easier to maintain. This unique physio-chemical reaction achieves a
non-sacrificial micro-smoothing of the friction surfaces.
Longtime PD can be used for long term or lifetime lubrication even under the most difficult operating conditions
such as extreme pressure, vibrations, shock loads and a wide temperature range in highly loaded rolling and
sliding bearings. They can also be used in bearings of spinning and grinding spindles, for gear motors exposed to
shock loads, in screening/wood shaping machines and for bearing surfaces of printing plates.
These greases are also suitable for bearings with a rotating outer ring and undergoing high stresses due to
centrifugal load, e.g. in spreader rolls, roll neck bearings in steel mills, and for bearings with changing rotational
directions or slewing movements. They are also used in curved teeth couplings and centralised lubricating
Longtime PD 0 and PD 00 can be used as a semi-fluid grease lubricant in gears such as flange, drum-type and
worm gears. It is also suitable for use in gears without oil-tight enclosures, gear wheels and rolling bearings with a
grease reservoir.
 High load bearing capacity – extends the operating period under high loads leading to optimum wear
 Superior lubrication and surface smoothing effects due to MFT reduced failures leading to less downtime
and repair work. MFT can result in prolonging the life of damaged components/bearings
 Establishment of a protective layer of MFT – this additive system can effectively increase the load bearing
area, thus reducing unit pressures, operating temperatures and wear, increasing service life of both parts
and lubricant
 • Improved bearing surfaces for longer service life result from the ‘running in’ effect of MFT
 • Extremely low coefficients of friction – generating energy savings and reduced noise levels
 Multi-functional – Longtime PD 0 and PD 00 are highly recommended for anti-friction bearings with grease
reservoir and for leaky gearboxes
 Easily pumpable in central lubrication systems – does not channel on gears running at high speeds when
using PD 0 and PD 00
 Exceptional water resistance – coating film stays on the surface even in presence of water; even when
exposed to the action of hot and chemically active process water
Page 1 / 2 25 February 2010, Version 1Typical Characteristics
Subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.
Additional Information
In order to minimise potential incompatibilities when converting to a new grease, all previous lubricant should be
removed as much as possible prior to operation. During initial operation, re-lubrication intervals should be
monitored closely to ensure all previous lubricant is purged.
Castrol, Longtime, and the Castrol logo are trademarks of Castrol Limited, used under licence
This data sheet and the information it contains is believed to be accurate as of the date of printing. However, no warranty or
representation, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy or completeness. Data provided is based on standard tests under
laboratory conditions and is given as a guide only. Users are advised to ensure that they refer to the latest version of this data
It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and use products safely, to assess suitability for the intended application and to
comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all our products and should be
consulted for appropriate information regarding storage, safe handling, and disposal of the product. No responsibility is taken by
either BP plc or its subsidiaries for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere
to recommendations, or from hazards inherent in the nature of the material. All products, services and information supplied are
provided under our standard conditions of sale. You should consult our local representative if you require any further
Castrol Limited, Pipers Way, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1RE, UK
Castrol Longtime PD 00
Page 2 / 2 25 February 2010, Version

上一产品: 嘉实多optimol Longtime PD 1/嘉实多optimol Longtime PD21嘉实多optimol Longtime
下一产品: Castrol LongtimePD1/Castrol Longtime PD1长寿命润滑脂
版权所有:深圳市汇通行润滑油有限公司 网站备案:粤ICP备16124526号 网址:www.hthrhy.com 邮箱:hthrhy@126.com
电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏
134 8078 1231