For more information please refer to the relevant Material Safety Data Sheet accompanying each product. Product Bulletin MIL-G-3545 (obsolete) DESCRIPTION: ROYCO 45 is an inorganic gel-thickened mineral oil based grease compounded with high load carrying ability and additives to provide excellent resistance to water as well as high temperatures. Modern additives are included to protect against rust, oxidation/corrosion, and to provide lubrication in severe operating environments. This product has a useful temperature range of -20°C to 190°C. . APPLICATIONS: ROYCO 45 is intended for use in anti-friction bearings where water resistance is desired. This grease has demonstrated superior performance in aircraft and heavy-duty truck wheel bearings as well as off road and agricultural equipment. ROYCO 45 has also been used in the lubrication of aircraft engine accessories and controls operating at temperatures as high as 190°C. ROYCO 45 GENERAL PURPOSE HIGH PERFORMANCE MINERAL BASED GREASE FOR AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATIONS: ROYCO 45 meets the requirements and is qualified under MIL-G-3545 (obsolete), which supersedes AN-G-5. PACKAGING: 14 ounce-cartridges, 35 pound pails, 120 pound kegs, and 400 pound drums. Other package sizes may available on special request. LIMITATIONS: ROYCO 45 is not recommended for use at extremely low temperatures (<-20°C) unless adequate starting power is available to properly channel the grease. ROYCO 45 PROPERTY TYPICAL Dropping Point, °C >235 Penetration, 25 °C Worked (60 D.S.) 280 Bomb Oxidation, psi drop 6 (100 Hrs./98 °C) Water Resistance, % Loss 4.0 (1 Hr./41°C) Oil Separation, % Loss 0.05 (30 Hrs./98 °C) Base Oil Viscosity, cSt @ 100 °C 32 @ 40 °C 470 Bearing Performance 149 °C, Hrs. PASS Rubber Swell, % Swell 3.0 (168 Hrs./70 °C) Low Temperature Torque g-cm Start, @ -17.6 °C 3835 Running, @ -17.6 °C 700 Dirt Count 25 microns 350 75 microns 00 125 microns 0 Copper Corrosion, ASTM 24 Hrs, 100 °C 1B Rust Protection PASS Storage Stability PASS R45: 11/30/01 Royal Lubricants, Inc. PO Box 518, 215 Merry Lane East Hanover, New Jersey USA Tel: 8000989-ROYAL In NJ (973) 887-7410 Fax: (973) 887-6930 E-mail: |