ANDEROL® HTC PG 150 详细说明 (浏览1023次) |
ANDEROL® HTC PG 150 FOOD GRADE CHAIN & WAY LUBRICANT GENERAL INFORMATION ANDEROL HTC PG 150 is a high temperature chain and way lubricant. It has tetrafluoroethylene to provide lubrication when the PAG is evaporated at high temperature operation. It is classified as H-1, suitable for incidental contact with food, under the former USDA approval requirements. It meets all of the approval requirements of FDA regulation 21 CFR 178.3750. For more information please refer to the relevant Material Safety Data Sheet accompanying each product. ®ANDEROL is a reg. trademark of ANDEROL COMPANY. This information is furnished without warranty, representation, inducement, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of OUR knowledge or obtained from sources believed by ANDEROL to be accurate. ANDEROL does not assume any legal responsibility for use of reliance upon it. Only chemists or chemically qualified lab technicians should carry out tests. Before using any chemical, read its label and Material Safety Data Sheet. TYPICAL PROPERTIES: PROPERTY TEST METHOD MIN MAX TYPICAL Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt ASTM D-445 135 165 137.6 Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt ASTM D-445 24 30 26.4 Flash Point, °C ASTM D-92 240 - 290 Pour Point, °C ASTM D-97 - -20 -23 Specific Gravity, 15.6°C Four-ball Wear Test ASTM D-1298 ASTM D-2266 1.00 - 1.10 - 1.05 0.67 APPLICATIONS Chains and ways, including high water-containing applications; They can also be used in: § Low-speed gear sets § Bearings § Circulation systems. § It can also be used in almost all gear sets requiring an ISO 150 or 220 VG oil, bearings, ways, and most circulating systems. ANDEROL HTC PG 150 ADVANTAGES · Long life, fewer oil changes · Extend equipment life · High water tolerance · High and low temperature operations · Increased oxidative stability · Reduced volatility APPROVALS ANDEROL and PQ® Food Grade Lubricants are approved, recommended, and field tested by many OEM's in the food processing, baking, bottling, canning, meat processing, and pharmaceutical industries. NSF International lists ANDEROL and PQ food grade lubricants under “USDA Regulations, Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds” (See WWW.NSF.ORG). ANDEROL food grade lubricants also meet the certification requirements recommended by the National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) and the European Lubricating Grease Institute (ELGI). APGHTC150: 11/7/01eb ANDEROL® Specialty Lubricants ANDEROL COMPANY PO Box 518, 215 Merry Lane East Hanover, New Jersey USA Tel: 888-ANDEROL Or Tel: (973) 887-7410 Fax: (973) 884-3825 E-mail: |