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嘉实多润滑油系列 > CASTROL嘉实多全合成切削液 > Castrol Syntilo K1合成切削液
Castrol Syntilo K1合成切削液 详细说明 (浏览1506次)

Castrol Syntilo K1

Synthetic coolant
Castrol Syntilo™ K1 is a synthetic coolant which has been developed for use as a general purpose grinding fluid
for ferrous metals. It forms a clear, stable solution in both hard and soft waters. Syntilo K1 exhibits extreme good
anti-corrosion properties coupled with a high resistance to bacterial attack.
Syntilo K1 is developed for surface, cylindrical, double disk and centreless grinding.
• Low foaming in all water conditions to ensure continuous grinding performance
• Inhibits microbial growth to extend fluid life in central systems and individual sumps
• Rejects tramp oil to the surface of the fluid for easy removal
• Chlorine, phenol and nitrite free for environmental compliance
• Excellent corrosion protection even in hard water
• Settles chips quickly to prevent grinding wheel build-up and maintain a clean working environment
• Neutral odor
Typical Physical Characteristics
Recommended Concentrations
Grinding: 2-3%
Water range:


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