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嘉实多润滑油系列 > 冷冻压缩机油 > Castrol Aircol SA 144
Castrol Aircol SA 144 详细说明 (浏览1692次)

Castrol Aircol SA 144

Air Compressor lubricant

Basic Identifiers

6014 Compressor oil mineral VC,VCL


Castrol Aircol SA 144 is a high grade compressor oil for big compressors with little sulphur. It can be allocated in lubricant group VC-VCL DIN 51506. The product is based on a special solvent raffinate with a tight fraction that features high thermic and oxidative ageing resistance, a low coking tendence and a good demulsion and air precipitation capacity. Castrol has successfully submitted this product to the strict requirements of the high-quality standard DIN EN ISO 9001. This certification gives you an additional safety assurance with this products quality and the service that can be expected from Castrol.

Technical specifications

Specs Typical Values
Density 892
Flash Point (in C) 265
Pour Point (in C) -12
Viscosity at 40C 240
Viscosity Index 90


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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏