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美孚润滑油系列 > MPBOL美孚蒸汽汽缸油-美孚润滑油 > Mobil CYLESSTIC 680
Mobil CYLESSTIC 680 详细说明 (浏览1406次)


Steam Cylinder Oils

Basic Identifiers

5586 steam-engine mineral 680


Cylesstic is the trademark for a line of quality steam cylinder oils formulated to meet exacting lubrication requirements. The compounded grades also provide excellent protection against wear in worm gear drives and are recommended for steam engines operating on saturated or slightly superheated steam at either high or low pressures. Cylesstic lubricants are also recommended where condensate on cylinder walls is present. The non-compounded grade is the recommended oil for use with high-pressure superheated steam systems. Cylesstic steam cylinder oils are available in four viscosity grades. These grades conform to the International Standards Organization (ISO) viscosity classification system. Three grades; Cylesstic 460, 680, and 1000, are compounded with acidless tallow to provide lubrication under the wet conditions encountered with saturated steam. The fourth grade, Cylesstic 1500 is not compounded, but is formulated specifically for the dry, high-temperature operating conditions associated with super-heated steam.

Technical specifications

Specs Typical Values
Density 923.6
Flash Point (in C) 279
Pour Point (in C) -7
Viscosity at 100C 37.8
Viscosity at 40C 627
Viscosity Index 97
ASTM D341 Viscosity Chart
ASTM D341 Logarithmic scale

ASTM D341 Viscosity Calculator

You may calculate the viscosity of the oil at various temperatures based on ASTM D341. This uses the two sets of calibration data that we already have in order to calculate the viscosity at any temperature. You may input multiple temperatures at once, seperated by comma.

上一产品: Mobil Cylesstic 1500
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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏