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壳牌润滑油系列 > 壳牌(SHELL)航空润滑油脂 > SHELLSOL A100
SHELLSOL A100 详细说明 (浏览1548次)
Shell Chemicals
Product Code Q7391 Manufact.US/Imp./3rd Party
SHELLSOL A100 Solvent is a mixture of predominantly C9 hydrocarbons with >99% aromatic, which confers good solvency [Mixed Aniline Point< 60 and KB>88]. The Hazardous Air Pollutants content is low, and it has very low sulfur content. Description
Product Category Aromatics
Property Unit Method Min Max
Color Saybolt ASTM D156 28 Aniline Point °C ASTM D611 15.6 Appearance - ASTM D4176 Cl & FFSM
Density @15°C kg/m³ ASTM D4052 865 882 Distillation, IBP °C ASTM D86 149 Distillation, DP °C ASTM D86 179 Copper Corrosion (30min @100°C) - ASTM D130 1
Flash Point (TCC) °C ASTM D56 38 Aromatics % v/v ASTM D1319 98
# Indicates guaranteed property with typical result on Certificate of Analysis.
Sales Specification
COA Comments Meets ASTM D3734-01 Type I Typical Properties Property Unit Method Value Distillation, IBP °C ASTM D86 160 Distillation, DP °C ASTM D86 176
Flash Point °C ASTM D56 40 API Gravity - ASTM D4052 30.2
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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏