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雪佛龙润滑油 > 船舶及柴油机油 > Chevron Delo SHP 30
Chevron Delo SHP 30 详细说明 (浏览1647次)

Chevron offers the marine industry a complete range

of high-performance marine lubricants. Product

development is performed at Chevron laboratories,

and all marine engine oils complete exhaustive fi eld

trials before introduction.

Chevron products are manufactured to consistently high

standards at more than fi fty blending plants worldwide.

Supply is available at more than 400 ports. The following

table gives a brief description and typical physical

properties of each product.

For more details, please refer to individual product

information at www.chevron.com/marineproducts

(under Lubricants > Product Information), or contact

your local Chevron representative or marketing offi ce.

Slow-speed Engine Oils

Taro Special HT 70 50 0.93 247 20.0 105 270 15 70 Slow-speed diesel engine cylinder oil for high load application.

Taro Special 70* 50 0.93 213 19.0 100 270 15 70 Slow-speed diesel engine cylinder oil.

Taro Special HT LS 40 50 0.92 247 21.0 100 270 15 40 Slow-speed diesel engine cylinder oil for low sulphur application.

Veritas 800 Marine 20 20 0.88 68 8.5 95 240 12 5.4 Slow-speed engine system oil for viscosity adjustment.

Veritas 800 Marine 30 30 0.89 111 12.0 95 240 12 5.4 Slow-speed engine system oil.

Medium-speed Engine Oils

Delo 1000 Marine 30 30 0.89 94 12.0 100 240 18 12 Medium-speed engine oil. API CF. Fuel S level up to 1.5%.

Delo 1000 Marine 40 40 0.90 135 14.0 100 240 18 12 Medium-speed engine oil. API CF. Fuel S level up to 1.5%.

Taro 20 DP 30 30 0.90 95 11.0 100 240 12 20 Medium-speed engine oil. API CF. Fuel S level up to 2%.

Taro 20 DP 40 40 0.90 135 14.0 100 240 12 20 Medium-speed engine oil. API CF. Fuel S level up to 2%.

Taro 30 DP 30 30 0.90 95 11.0 100 240 12 30 Medium-speed engine oil. API CF. Fuel S level up to 4%.

Taro 30 DP 40 40 0.90 135 14.0 100 240 12 30 Medium-speed engine oil. API CF. Fuel S level up to 4%.

Taro 40 XL 40 40 0.91 135 14.0 100 240 12 40 Medium-speed engine oil. API CF. Fuel S level up to 4.5%.

Taro 50 XL 40 40 0.92 135 14.0 100 240 12 50 Medium-speed engine oil. API CF. Fuel S level up to 4.5%.

For engines with low oil consumption.

High-speed Engine Oils

Delo 6170 CFO 40 0.91 137 14.0 99 250 18 17 Zinc-free engine oil. Generation 4LL and 5. API CF/CF-2.

Delo SHP 30 30 0.89 94 11.0 102 240 18 12 Diesel engine oil. API CF/SF. MB 228.2, MTU Type II.

Delo SHP 40 40 0.89 135 14.0 100 240 15 12 Diesel engine oil. API CF/SF. MB 228.2, MTU Type II.

Ursa Extra Duty 40 40 0.89 132 14.0 103 240 15 7.3 Low ash, two-stroke diesel engine oil. API CF/CF-2. Detroit Diesel.

Ursa Marine 30 30 0.89 92 11.0 104 230 27 9.0 High-speed diesel engine oil. API CD/CF, MAN 270, MB 228.0, MTU Type I.

Ursa Marine 40 40 0.89 131 14.0 104 240 24 9.0 High-speed diesel engine oil. API CD/CF, MAN 270, MB 228.0, MTU Type I.

Ursa Marine 15W-40 15W-40 0.89 102 14.0 139 225 27 9.0 High-speed diesel engine oil. API CG-4, MAN 271, MB 228.1, Volvo VDS.

上一产品: 德士古船舶及柴油发动机油
下一产品: Chevron Delo 6170 CFO
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电话:0755-27971019 传真:0755-27971089 手机:134 8078 1231李明 地址:深圳市南山区科技园高新南一路中科大夏