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奎克化学 > 清洗剂 > FORMULA 76 ITT
FORMULA 76 ITT 详细说明 (浏览1681次)

FOMRULA 76 ITT is a water-based liquid product recommended for cleaning floors, walls, and all types of shop machinery.

FORMULA 76 ITT is an extremely versatile cleaner capable of handling virtually all industrial shop cleaning jobs. Its grease cutting action comes from an alkaline detergent/citrus ingredient blend, which also provides a pleasant scent. Use it on just about any hard surface cleaning job in your factory or shop.


  • This concentrated, versatile cleaner may be used in many types of maintenance operations. It works well in floor cleaning, machine cleaning, steam cleaning, and facilities cleaning.
  • One product replaces many resulting in simplified ordering and reduced costs.
  • Powerful detergent blend cuts through oil and grease making cleaning easier.
  • This cleaner possesses moderate alkalinity, which makes it suitable for some hand cleaning applications.


Properties Typical Values
Appearance Clear light orange
Density 7.01 @ 60°F (15.6°C)
Flash Point Boils at 212°F (COC)
上一产品: 航空用清洗剂/抛光剂/褪漆剂/除冰液
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