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嘉实多润滑油系列 > 齿轮油 > Castrol Alphasyn EP150/220/320/460嘉实多齿轮油-嘉实多齿轮油(Castrol)
Castrol Alphasyn EP150/220/320/460嘉实多齿轮油-嘉实多齿轮油(Castrol) 详细说明 (浏览1590次)
Castrol Alphasyn EP150 详细说明 (浏览181次)


The Castrol AlphasynTM EP gear oil range of high quality synthetic lubricants are based on poly-

alphaolefin (PAO) fluids and sulphur/phosphorus Extreme Pressure (EP) additive technology providing
good thermal stability and high load carrying capacity.


The Alphasyn EP range have been formulated for use in all types of enclosed gears including heavy
and shock-loaded gears and bearings where EP properties are required.
They are suitable for use in gear boxes where micro-pitting resistance is required and for a wide range
of applications in extreme environments, for example mining and quarrying, marine applications and
paper production.
The use of a PAO base stock provides an inherently high Viscosity Index (VI) and low pour points
making these products suitable for use over a wide temperature range.

The Alphasyn EP range is fully compatible with nitrile, silicone and fluropolymer seal materials.

Alphasyn EP is classified as follows:
DIN Classification is CLP

The Alphasyn EP range meets the requirements of:
     *  DIN 51517 Part 3
     * AGMA 9005 - D94
     *  US Steel 224
     *  David Brown Type E
     *  Hansen Transmissions

     *  Lohmann & Stofferfoht


     *  Full EP performance* gives maximum protection of gears against wear and shock loading,
          including protection against micro-pitting.
     *  Good thermal and oxidative stability provides reliable operation and extended operating life
          when compared to mineral oil based products.
     *  High corrosion protection for gears.
     *  Inherently high Viscosity Index (VI) makes the product suitable for operations over a wide
          temperature range.
     *  Rapid air release and good performance in the Flender Foam Test prevents foaming and
          bearing damage.
     *  Good water separation and demulsification characteristics means reduced down time through
          prolonged lubricant life and increased equipment reliability.
     *  PAO based lubricant provides good compatibility with seals, paints and mineral oil based

* ISO 320 grade achieved FZG >14 rating under A16.6./90 (double speed) test conditions

           Test                           Method                Units           150         220        320          460
            Density @ 15°C             ISO 12185 /              g/ml            0.86       0.86        0.86         0.87
                                     ASTM D4052
            K.V. @ 40°C             ISO 3104 / ASTM           mm2/s             150         220        320          460

            K.V. @ 100°C            ISO 3104 / ASTM           mm2/s              18         25         33           45

           Viscosity Index          ISO 2909 / ASTM               -             140         140        140          140
            Pour Point              ISO 3016 / ASTM              °C              -48        -42        -36          -36
            Flash Point, PMC        ISO 2719 / ASTM              °C             220         220        230          230
            Foam Seq I              ISO 6247 / ASTM              mls             0/0        0/0        0/0          0/0
            Rust Test (24 hrs         ISO / 7210 /                -            Pass       Pass       Pass          Pass

            synthetic sea water)     ASTM D665B
           Timken OK Load             ASTM D2782 /             Kg/lbs          39/85       41/90      41/90       >41/90
                                          IP 240
            FZG fail stage            ISO 14635-1 /                               -          -         >14          >14
            (A8.3/90)                   DIN 51354
            FZG fail stage            ISO 14635-1 /               -             >12         >12        >12          >12
            (A16.6/90) *                DIN 51354

          Subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.

Castrol Alphasyn EP

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